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"The man with the killer eyes "
is a very attractive story
written by:Samy Eissawi.
Try to buy it. It is for only $4.

September 3, 2008

Oh my dear visitors. I've advertised more and more about my dangerous and attractive story " The man with the killer eyes" but I didn't find anyone who wrote a message to me or an email to order it. The people who have read it told me that they have read it more than ten times. That is true because it is very attractive as I told you. Why then you don't want to buy it? Yuo must be sure about that the 4 dollars as a price for a story like this means nothing at all because what is inside the story is more valuable than the 4 dollars. You must believe me. I'm sure if you'll read it you will say to yourself that H'm telling the truth. I'm not saying that to sell the story, but I want all the people to know me and know about Samy Eissawi . Also to buy or not to buy the story , that doesn't cause a problem to me and also in the future the ptice of the story will be higher.Thank you

Samy Eissawi

Tags: stories

Posted at: 04:58 AM | Permalink

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